PCMH Therapy

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Physical ~ Occupational ~ Speech

At PCMH we offer Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy. Our skilled therapists treat all ages, from pediatrics to adults. We are available for outpatient appointments Monday-Friday with flexible times to meet your specific needs.

During your appointment, one of our skilled therapists will:

- Take a complete musculoskeletal history and learn about the pain or concerns you are experiencing.

- Perform an initial evaluation and selected physical tests to see what is working well and what needs some help for the area(s) in question.

- Give you a home exercise plan that will help you meet your recovery goals.

What our patients

"My PT at PCMH was great! Everyone was extremely helpful and considerate."

are saying about

"Excellent service! My therapist is very thorough, listens to my concerns, has helped me so much."

working with us!

"I felt cared for every time I was there."